The Legacy of The Evil of the Daleks
The plan for the Daleks to be destroyed for
good was one small factor in what lead to one of Doctor
Who's most popular eras. 'The Monster Years' as they
have sometimes been called is mainly centred on season five
which saw the reappearance of the Cybermen in two stories,
and the creation and rapid return of the Yeti. Had the Daleks
not been on hiatus, then who knows, maybe the Yeti, Ice Warriors
or the Weed Creature might never have been devised.
Daleks mind probe the third Doctor |
It was five years before the Daleks were seen
again and the first question was - would there be an explanation
for their return after their supposed final destruction? Well,
in the original script of Day of the Daleks, yes.
It was mentioned that the 'Human' Daleks had been wiped out.
However in the final screen version, no attempt at continuity
was made.
This left the door open for various interpretations as to
when The Evil of the Daleks might have been set,
and how it relates to known Dalek history. Even though some
fan histories of the Daleks (and even the FASA Doctor Who
Role Playing Game) will push the civil war back to the end
of time, it was clear at the time that it was another contemporary
battle in the Doctor's running feud with his old foes. Despite
the line in Day of the Daleks not making it to screen,
the TV screen shows the faces of the first and second Doctor,
and only by mind-analysis do the Daleks discover this new
face also belongs to the Time Lord, further suggesting that
all stories generally happen in chronological sequence unless
explicitly stated.
What happened to the human Daleks is explored in the Doctor
Who Magazine Dalek Special which largely agrees with
the dialogue missing from Day of the Daleks. The
question is also explored in the contradictory Children
of the Revolution from issues 312-317 of Doctor Who
Magazine which featured an Eight Doctor and Izzy comic
The splitting of the Dalek world into two factions was a theme
continued during the 1980s as the Supreme Dalek, who seemed
to replace the Emperor, battled for control with Davros, their
creator. Davros ultimately appointed himself an Emperor of
sorts, but his appearance was a reference to the Emperor who
preceded the TV incarnation, and this was a sphere-headed
model first seen in the comics of the mid sixties.
Ideas of making Daleks human, and making Human Daleks were
brought forth into the new series revival. Firstly Rose's
DNA was extrapolated by the last surviving Dalek from the
Time War, making the alien start to experience fear. But whilst
the Human Factor Daleks from 1967 started to question their
orders, this lone Dalek in 2005 still could not function without
being told what to do.
Daleks returned in 2005 in the Episode Dalek in which
a collector called Van Statten held the last surviving Dalek
from the time war, in which he intended to find out the secrets
of its technology so that, along with broadband
and the cure for the common cold, he could accelerate human
developments which had been possible via technology from outer
Not long after the 2005 episode Dalek, we meet another
Emperor. Just as in the story featuring the original, The
Parting of the Ways showed how the Daleks were manipulating
and exploiting humanity in order to gain the upper hand. The
2005 story asked questions about what makes us human and the
scene in which Rose is menaced in the Dalek saucer is not
unlike that in which Victoria is intimidated in her prison
To underline the tribute to the original Emperor, the new
version was flanked by black-domed Daleks just as his predecessor
had be been. Voice artist Nicholas Briggs also went some considerable
way to emulating Peter Hawkins' speech, giving the Dalek ruler
the same booming, echoing and ironically more human voice.
The idea of creating humans who behaved like Daleks was carried
on in the new series, in the two-parter Daleks in Manhattan
/ Evolution of the Daleks. Like the 1967 story it also
featured a greedy human collaborator who worked for the Daleks
without much conscience.
Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks took
the idea of making Human Daleks to the extreme, with the Kaled
mutant blob inside Dalek Sec hybridised with a man. Once again,
as in The Evil of the Daleks, the pure Daleks rejected
the contamination of their race, and the hybrid was exterminated.